When you pick a Mighty Apple, you’re picking all the best that Michigan has to offer. Sunny days, cool nights, rich soil, and sweet, clear rainwater you can taste in every juicy bite.

Growing Goodness

These days, when growing and eating local food is all the rage, we’re proud to say every Mighty Fresh Farms apple is grown here in Michigan. Our orchards are just a short drive from anywhere in the Midwest, meaning we can pick every apple at the peak of its flavor and nutrition and deliver it fresh to you. We’re the nation’s third-biggest producer of apples, but we daresay they’re the best.

Perfect Climate

In between the Great Lakes, summer days are hot, nights are cool, and conditions are golden for growing apples. At Mighty Fresh Farms, trees soak up hours of sunshine, ample Lake Effect rain, and nutrients deposited long ago by the glaciers. Nature couldn’t have picked a better place to plant an orchard than our great-great grandfather did all those years ago.


Check out these additional resources about Michigan apples:
Michigan Apple Committee
Michigan Farm Bureau
Great Lakes Cider and Perry
Cider Association
US Apple Association
